How Will Pregnancy Affect Me Mentally?

Pregnancy causes your body to go through many changes, but did you know that it can also affect you mentally?

This article will highlight how pregnancy might affect you mentally and emotionally. However, if you’re looking for a safe, welcoming space to talk about your pregnancy and learn more about the free resources that can help, contact Pregnancy Help Center today to schedule a free, confidential appointment.

Connection Between Pregnancy Hormones and Mood

Many different factors, like diet and physical health, can affect your mood and mental state. However, hormones can be one of the main factors that dictate your moods.

Hormones are, most fundamentally, “chemical messengers” that command bodily functions, including mood and emotional responses.

During pregnancy, your unique hormone levels change dramatically, and this abrupt change can cause you to experience a rollercoaster of emotions and moods.

Mental and Effects of Pregnancy

Pregnancy has different stages, and each stage can cause different mental effects.

In the first trimester, your hormones change rapidly, which can catch you off guard and cause you to feel:

  • Moodier than usual. Crying one minute and laughing the next is normal and even expected during early pregnancy.
  • Irritable or anxious. Although pregnancy hormones can cause you to feel more stressed than usual, the added pressure of an unexpected pregnancy can add to this feeling as well.
  • Mental fatigue. The physical fatigue that accompanies early pregnancy can make you feel mentally drained as well.

During the second and third trimesters, your moods will likely stabilize more. However, it’s still common to have moments of high-intensity emotions, especially when feeling stressed or tired.

Next Steps

Navigating an unplanned pregnancy can feel overwhelming, let alone the emotions that can arise due to pregnancy hormones. But you’re not alone in this.

At Pregnancy Help Center, we’re here for you. Contact us today to schedule a free, confidential appointment.