Are you second-guessing taking the abortion pill? The abortion pill reversal (APR) method is effective only if you’ve taken the first abortion pill, mifepristone

Start the reversal process right away by first calling the Abortion Pill Rescue Network at no cost and with confidential care 24/7. 

The abortion pill reversal process includes a hormone called progesterone. It’s used for the reversal process because the first medical abortion pill (mifepristone) works to block this hormone. The reversal process requires continued doses to counteract the effects of mifepristone.

Am I Too Late?

If you’ve only taken the first drug of the abortion pill regimen, mifepristone, you still have a chance to reverse the effects if you take quick action. Begin the reversal process as soon as possible, ideally within 24 hours of taking mifepristone.

According to the Abortion Pill Rescue Network, treatment taken as long as 72 hours after the first abortion pill has been successful for women. Even if you’re past 24 hours, call the Abortion Pill Rescue Network to begin the process.

Is the Abortion Pill Reversal Process Safe?

Yes, the reversal process has been proven safe and effective. Physicians have used it to support pregnancies for over 50 years. No undesired effects have been reported, and progesterone has proven very effective.

If you have questions about its safety, talk to the Abortion Pill Rescue Network to get clarity before moving forward.

Reach Out Today

Trust your gut and take the steps to reverse the effects of the abortion pill today. You are not alone in this process. 

Contact the Abortion Pill Rescue Network at 877-558-0333 for immediate care. A medical professional will talk with you and guide you toward reversing the effects of the abortion pill. It may not be too late to save your pregnancy. 

If you need support along the way, don’t hesitate to contact us at Pregnancy Help Center. We’re here for you.